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Warrant Changelog - September 2023

· 3 min read
Aditya Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

Hey Everyone! It's been a while since our last product update. The team has been hard at work this summer with some major improvements to Warrant. We decided to take a quick break to tell you about some of the things we've been working on!

New CLI commands

The Warrant CLI is now the quickest way to get started with Warrant. We've added new commands for listing object types, making assertions on check requests (for testing), and managing objects (create, get, update, delete). The CLI now also supports multiple environments via the env command.

Check out these instructions to install and get started with the CLI.

Update CLI

API updates

Batch check

In addition to allOf and anyOf operators, the check API now also supports a batch op. With the batch op, you can now check multiple warrants within the same http request, which in some cases can significantly reduce the number of network calls made by an application to Warrant. Check out the API docs for more info and example requests.

Batch check resp

Tenant scoped sessions

The sessions API now supports creating session tokens scoped to a specific tenant (in addition to users). This makes it easier to authenticate applications at a tenant level for tenant-specific permissions as well as pricing tiers and features.

Auto object creation

Each new warrant creation now generates underlying entities for the objects referenced within the warrant's subject and object. For example, creating a new warrant user:a is an editor of document:x will generate objects for user:a and document:x within Warrant. These objects can then be referenced via the objects API to make workflows such as cleanup (deleting warrants if an object gets deleted) much easier.


Performance and reliability are top of mind for our engineering team and something we track on a daily basis. We've learned a lot from our usage over the past few months which has enabled us to significantly improve API performance, particularly on our most heavily used APIs: /check and /warrants. You can expect more improvements to land in the coming weeks and months.

Lower latencies Check latencies - one of the few times a graph should be going down

That's all for now folks! We have a lot more cooking which we will be sharing more about in the coming weeks. ♨️

Stay tuned!