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Introducing Custom Environments

· 3 min read
Stanley Phu
Senior Software Engineer @ Warrant

Maintaining separate environments for development/testing and production is a common practice on most engineering teams as a way to improve team productivity, prevent bugs, and speed up release cycles by giving the team more confidence in the changes being made before they're released to customers. For many teams, this often goes beyond the basic production and test environments that Warrant currently supports, including individual developer environments that allow each developer to work independently with their own, separate set of data. Today, we're excited to introduce custom environments and access control across all environments!

What is it?

Custom Environments

Teams can now create their own custom environments in addition to the pre-existing production and test environments. While production and test work for some teams, others need more environments like staging or QA. Some organizations also want to distinguish between development and test environments if they run automated tests. Other customers have even mentioned wanting to keep their data models separate for different internal applications. With custom environments, you can set up your Warrant environments to mirror your development workflow and your applications & their different environments.

Environment Permissions

Teams can now also limit who has access to each environment. For example, organizations may only want to give a subset of team members access to the production environment, or developers with their own environment might want to limit who has access to it so that their data isn't modified by anyone else. With environment permissions, you can now control who can and can't access your environments in Warrant.

Who is it for?

Custom Environments

We built custom environments for teams that need more than a simple production and test environment. When developing new features, you can create environments in Warrant that match your application environments to test changes to your authorization model/rules before rolling them out to your customers. Larger teams can also create developer environments to allow team members to test their data model locally without affecting their teammates' data.

Environment Permissions

Many teams requested the ability to control which of their team members have access to their production Warrant environment, so we added environment permissions for larger teams that want to control who can access their different environments in Warrant. As teams grow, it becomes even more important to limit access to environments like production to ensure accidental changes aren't made. Organizations may also have a suite of applications where different teams are responsible for different applications, so having the ability to control which team can access which application's authorization data is helpful.

How can I use it?

To learn more about creating your own environments and configuring environment access for your team, check out our docs.

What's next?

Join us on Slack to give us your feedback on environments or tell us what you'd like to see next!