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Warrant Changelog - September 2022

ยท 3 min read
Aditya Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

Lots of exciting updates to share for September! ๐Ÿ‚

Pricing Tiers & Feature Flagsโ€‹

Earlier this month, we shipped native support for feature flags & pricing tiers in Warrant. You can now create and manage features and pricing tiers (ex. free, pro, enterprise) for your app directly in the Warrant admin dashboard or via API. Once configured, access to these features and tiers is enforced at runtime in your app using the existing front-end and server-side Warrant SDKs.

Features and tiers are completely dynamic and can easily be changed and overridden as needed. Check out more info in our launch post and if you'd like to get started with Pricing Tiers & Feature Flags, just sign-in to your Warrant account and follow the onboarding guide.

Angular SDKโ€‹

We're excited to launch our official Angular SDK! Similar to our Vue and React SDKs, the Angular SDK ships with components and other primitives to help you implement authz checks in Angular web apps.

Firebase Cloud Functionsโ€‹

We've built Warrant to be easy to integrate with any 3rd party authn provider or home-grown authn solution. One of the more popular authn providers we've seen companies using is Firebase. To make it even easier for Firebase users to start using Warrant, we've created a repo of common cloud/serverless functions that you can deploy to Firebase to get your users hooked up to Warrant in < 10 minutes. The repo has functions to create and delete users and sessions (triggered on Firebase auth events). Check it out here.

CSV User Imports via CLIโ€‹

It's been a few weeks since we released the Warrant CLI. We built the CLI with power users in mind so it's not surprising that the top feature request we've received is to add support for batch importing data into Warrant. So we've created a new import command that supports data imports from csv files. The command currently supports importing users (including ids and emails) and we'll add support for roles, permissions, tenants and other entities over time. Here's a sample command for importing user data:

warrant import users file.csv


Last but not least, we had a great time hanging out with folks and chatting about authz and devtools at the CascadiaJS Startup Fair! You can check out recordings of all the talks here.