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Warrant Changelog - May 2023

· 3 min read
Aditya Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

We missed sending out a product update for April but we're back for an even bigger May update! Lots to share including a new milestone for the Warrant open source service as well as some exciting updates to Warrant Cloud!

Warrant open source crosses 350 ⭐s

The Warrant open source service has hit a milestone of 350+ stars! The latest version (0.17.0) ships with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite support along with enhanced debugging for access checks and a revamped events architecture. Check us out and give the repo a ⭐!

Revamped homepage metrics

Based on customer feedback, the Warrant Cloud dashboard homepage now includes monthly counts for total operations, warrants added, access allowed events, access denied events and a count of total warrants, so you can get a full top-level view of your data and throughput usage. Monthly metrics also compare against the previous month, giving you a month-over-month view of how metrics are trending.

Homepage metrics

More granular event filtering

Events are now segmented and filterable by 'event type' (consisting of grants/revocations and access allowed/denied) as well as your custom object types (e.g. report, document etc.), making it easier to filter down to and find the events you're looking for.

Event filtering

Decision path for easier debugging

The 'Check Access' page in the Warrant Cloud dashboard is a popular way to test warrant checks in realtime against your access model. Each 'check' now exposes the full 'decision path' that was evaluated by the Warrant server, making it even easier to debug why a check returned 'authorized' or 'not authorized'.

Decision path

New look nav bar

Warrant Cloud has a new look navigation bar! We've also consolidated a few links and groups (including pricing tiers & features) to make your information easier to find.

Nav bar

Next.js middleware

We've updated our Next.js quickstart guide to include instructions detailing how to leverage the Warrant Node SDK to write native Next.js middleware functions to protect your API routes behind permissions. Check out the full guide here.

We hope these updates make it even easier to get started with and continue using Warrant! That's it for this month, but as always, there's more to come.