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Warrant Changelog - August 2022

· 2 min read
Aditya Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

It's hot outside but the team is staying cool and shipping. Here's what we've been up to in the past month:

Hacker News Launch

We launched on Hacker News earlier this month, check out the discussion here.

New Demo App

We've created a new demo app to showcase Warrant running within a live web application - managing roles, permissions and access checks. The demo app lets you preview a sample e-commerce store as different users (with different permissions) and see a live access log of all permissions checks as they happen in the app.


We launched the Warrant CLI! It supports many common operations, including those for checking access and managing common resources like roles, permissions, tenants, users and the various associations between them. It's great for testing things locally, scripting larger migrations and even for integrating into CI/CD or other automation. You can read more here and check out the source code here.

Implied Roles and Permissions

Many RBAC models involve some sort of inheritance which can get tedious and cumbersome to manage. For example, an admin role may have all the permissions of a lesser role plus more admin-specific permissions. This can involve duplication of permission assignments across roles and quickly turn your roles and permissions into a complex mess. This week, we launched implied roles and permissions, a built-in feature to reduce RBAC complexity and make it MUCH easier to manage.

That's it for this month! Stay tuned for more to come in the future and get in touch with us if you have any questions or feedback.


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