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Introducing the Warrant CLI

· 2 min read
Aditya Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

The two primary ways to view, manage and enforce an access model in Warrant include APIs and the admin dashboard. Today we're introducing a third way, geared towards power users, especially those that ❤️ automation: a native command-line interface (CLI).


The CLI wraps many Warrant operations, including those for checking access and managing common resources like roles, permissions, tenants, users and the various associations between them. It's great for testing things locally, scripting larger migrations and even for integrating into CI/CD or other automation.

The CLI is open-source and the latest binaries for Mac, Linux & Windows are available here. If you're on macOS, you can get started by installing from Homebrew:

brew install warrant-dev/warrant/warrant

Once installed, you can initialize the CLI and start running commands:

warrant init
warrant assign role:admin user:345

We're shipping the CLI with a base set of commands. Run warrant -h to get a full list of supported commands or check out the API Reference (look for a 'CLI' tab in code snippets).

If there's any functionality you'd like added to the CLI, let us know.