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15 posts tagged with "launch"

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Introducing the Warrant Edge Agent

· 3 min read
Karan Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

Today, we're excited to launch the Warrant Edge Agent! It's been a long time in the making, and we're finally ready to share more about it and roll it out to our customers.

What is it?

As a centralized, stand-alone service, engineering teams have consistently brought up the latency & reliability concerns of performing access checks with Warrant because it means adding a network request to the critical path of almost every request to their applications. While our globally distributed authorization service boasts both low-latency and high availability that meets most customers' demands, some teams have stricter requirements.

Introducing Warrant Sync

· 3 min read
Aditya Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

Over the past few months, we've had the opportunity to speak with and work closely with engineering teams implementing authorization in their applications with Warrant. A common topic that came up in these conversations was the level of integration between Warrant and our customers' applications.

For example, implementing multi-tenancy with Warrant requires our customers to call the Warrant API each time a tenant or a user is created in their application and whenever a user is added to or removed from a tenant. This is done in order to keep the access rules in Warrant up-to-date as data changes in the customer's application.

We received feedback from teams that adding this logic to their applications can be somewhat redundant and lead to tighter coupling (particularly on the write path) with Warrant. We listened, and in an effort to reduce the friction of initial and ongoing integration with Warrant, we're excited to launch Warrant Sync!

Introducing the Warrant Self Service Dashboard

· 2 min read
Karan Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

Today, I'm excited to launch our newest feature! 🎉 The Warrant Self Service Dashboard is a prebuilt, Warrant-hosted page where your customers can manage their own roles & permissions (think Stripe Checkout for user roles & permissions). Built on top of our core Authorization API, the Self Service Dashboard is fast, flexible, and easy to setup.

Introducing Built-in Support for Role Based Access Control

· 3 min read
Karan Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

I'm excited to announce that Warrant now has built-in support for Role Based Access Control! 🥳 RBAC is one of the most widely used forms of access control, so we wanted to make it as easy as possible for developers to add robust RBAC to their apps. We also know that access control isn't a "set it and forget it" type of problem. Applications evolve over time, whether it's through new features or other changes, so we've made some major updates to the Warrant Dashboard to make it easier to manage RBAC in a live application.

Introducing Warrant

· 3 min read
Aditya Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

At Warrant, we're building APIs and infrastructure to help developers add authorization and access control to their apps in less than 20 lines of code. Warrant handles the complexity of managing authorization so engineering teams can focus on building their core products.


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