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Warrant Changelog - July 2022

· 2 min read
Aditya Kajla
Co-Founder @ Warrant

Here's what we've been up to in July:

Introducing the Warrant Edge Agent

The Edge Agent is a lightweight Go service that customers can deploy in their own infrastructure which functions as an in-network, local cache capable of responding to access check requests with single millisecond response times. You can read more about Edge here and check out the source code on GitHub.

/v2/authorize API

The new, v2 authorization API is now live in GA. Major updates include server-side performance improvements as well as a new payload that enables callers to check multiple warrants in a single request with an 'op' parameter. You can read more about the new API spec here.

SDK updates

Following the release of the v2 authorization API, we've updated all server-side and client-side SDKs to use the new API and added more native methods for managing roles, permissions and warrants.


We’ll be at the inaugural CascadiaJS Startup Fair! Join us in August as we showcase Warrant and discuss the future of authorization and access control with the Cascadia community and other startups in attendance.

Stay tuned for more to come in the future and get in touch with us if you have any questions or feedback!